Registration is done via the "Login" tab or directly by booking a course.

Yes, you can choose your time slot according to your availability and preferences.

A trial lesson is usually 30 minutes long.
It allows the student to discover one or more teachers of their choice, as well as their teaching method.

The trial lesson lasts on average 30 minutes, and allows for a first approach with the teacher. While the course may vary in length (on average 1 hour), the objective of the course is to progress in the language you wish to learn.

Yes, the student can choose one or more teachers according to his/her needs.

There is no minimum and/or maximum age, language learning is open to everyone!

Yes, the teachers on our platform have all studied and/or trained in teaching and/or languages.

A course takes place via the videoconference area integrated into our platform. It is led by the teacher you have chosen, and adapted to your needs and language level.


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